Sunday, April 4, 2010

It has been awhile... What I heard at church today

I think I heard something profound today at church. My Pastor was preaching and said (paraphrasing) We must be willing to die, so we can be resurrected. Then I feel I heard, "That is the major problem facing the church. The Pro Life mindset is really people who are afraid of death, and The Pro Choice mindset is really people who don't want to acknowledge sin in the world." I don't clam to to totally understand what I heard, but what I do know that the zero sum gain debate on this issue does nothing to change hearts. What if instead of condemning women who have abortions or people who perform them, we accept that reality, pray that we can love them, pray for God's grace and watch God move. Is it that we must watch or accept death in our lives so we can really see God work. I pray that I am not afraid to really see God move in my life.

Personally I believe the US culture for the most part is Pro Life, in all forms. Remember the Balloon Boy? The was news first because we feared LIFE was in jeopardy. Millions of people and resources were assembled to potentially save one LIFE. To me that is Pro Life.