Saturday, September 19, 2009

Nothing Personal

“The art of being in human is to tell them what you feel.” By Bill Brown fall 1988. Not much has changed in 21 years for me; i still believe that true effective communications comes when people have the courage to tell others what they really feel and risk being perceived inhuman. Nothing personal, just a battle of ideas. And believe me when i say battle. You don’t have to look to hard to find it. Ask a teenager i remember once being told not to discuss these topics in mixed couple, religion, race and politics. Tonight the context of the battle i will discuss them all. To give you a quick look into how i think so you can understand what i think. -F. Scott Fitzgerald once said "the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function." when i say inhuman i mean not caring or being insensitive to others ideas. I will admit, sometimes i can careless about what some people think, but i always try to acknowledge their right to have an idea. And why did i say tell them what you feel instead of what you think, i believe that “out of your heart you speak.” And there is the battle.

So where do i begin? Religion, race or politics, lets go with the most obvious race. I don’t know if you are aware of this but i am black. How do i feel about being black or better yet how do i feel about other races. In the united states being black has meant so many things. We have gone from niggers to coloreds to african-americans. Me what do i feel about race….. I don’t know. I know some people use the color of peoples’ skin to justify hatred ,violence and even murder. I acknowledge the conception and the need for the civil rights movement and affirmative action, but i don’t feel they’re the best answer for our country. Follow me. Slave trade wrong, 1/5 of a person wrong, terrorizing people because you fear they would seek revenge for past victimizations wrong, and making laws that make others affirm acceptation or give special treatment to a group of people. Is not all right maybe half right but not all right. I believe human right trump civil rights, you can’t have civil rights if you don’t recognize someone’s human rights. Yet in the political world everything is ass backwards.


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