Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What I Really Think of FACEBOOK (from the perspective of an introvert)

I believe everything happens for a reason, and I also believe some relationships are supposed to end. Facebook prolongs relationships that need to fade away into a distant memory. Gone are the days of wondering “whatever happened to …..?” You can just check Facebook, one of your friends has seen their profile and has seen their photos, so you know everything you need to know, because all you really want is gossip straight from the source. What do I mean by gossip? I will use myself as an example (I really feel bad about this so forgive me) There was a High School friend I was wondering what happened to and actively looking for, maybe three years off and on. One day I was on Facebook and he just popped up, Facebook suggested him as a friend. One click and we were friends again. The next day he wrote on my wall, I wrote on his, check out his info and his photos and we have not spoke or wrote on each others wall for two years (My mistake Facebook reminded us of our Birthday, so we gave Birthday wishes) Is it me or is that horrible. Did I want to reconnect with a great High school friend? or Did I just want to see how life had treated him. Facebook provides “idle posts about personal or private affairs” Provided to use from the horse’s mouth. (I did not just call all my 210 Facebook friends horses) But by logging in to my Facebook account I have a false sense that I know my friends, and I can rate them, comment on what they are doing or challenge them to a quiz. Don’t get me wrong there are a number of great things about Facebook and the friends I get to talk to and see a part of their life that I would not get a chance to. But as an introvert some days it is all overwhelming.
A couple of years ago one of my Facebook friends sent out a post to all her “friends” (more than 2,000) that she was leaving Facebook, because, in her words “Facebook is consuming my life.” At the time I thought, Really? Consuming your life? Just stop logging in everyday. Now, I understand, it is not consuming my life, but it sometimes seems to be calling me from my life.
Until Later

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